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Thomas termote

"4th place at 2019 French championships U18 on the 3000m"

About Thomas Termote

" When I have goals, I give myself 100% to achieve them and optimize my free time for training and recovery as much as possible"


Sport: Track & Field

Citizenship: France

Gender: Male

Date of birth: 06/27/02

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 125 lbs


Graduation year: 2020

Placement year: Fall 2020




Current club: Alès Cévennes Athlétisme

Current coach: Raphael Moya


Personal Records:

3000m : 8:44.94 (2019)

1500m : 4:02.16 (2019)

800m : 2:07.16 (2018)





High School name: Lycée Ernest Hemingway



SAT: 980

GPA: According to NCAA guidelines, Thomas's GPA would meet U.S. requirements


Major: Communication / Media / Journalism




4th place at Nationals 3000m - U18

Top 100 at Nationals Cross Country - U18

Regional Champion 1500m - U18

Vice Regional Champion Cross Country - U18

District Champion Cross Country - U18

District Champion 1500m - U18



86th place at Nationals Cross Country - U18

District Champion 800m - U18

Vice District Champion Cross Country - U18


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Why should I recruit you ?


  I think you should recruit me because I'm a complete athlete. I can run and adapt to all preparations from 800 metres to half marathon to cross-country thanks to my physique. I train diligently, I never complain about the difficulty of training or the weather conditions and I know how to stay motivated from the beginning to the end of the season. When I have objectives, I give myself 100% to achieve them and optimize my free time for training and recovery as much as possible. I've been training seriously for the past two years, so I plan to make great progress. Last year, I finished 4th in the French Championship Final in the 3000m. So I think it would be wise to recruit me. 


Why do you want to compete at US Colleges?


  I really want to take a step forward in my young athletic career. I would like to join a good training group to be able to progress and progress together because I am convinced that together we can go further. I really like the American way of training and the fact that sport is taken seriously like studies.  

What do you want to achieve in Track/XC?


  My biggest upcoming goal would be to participate in the European U20 Championships in 2021. I am going to the United States to improve in all areas (track and cross-country). I don't set myself any time level objectives and limits at the moment. I want to break my track records and go as far as I can in cross-country.


College and life goals?


  Whatever I do, I want to best represent the college of which I am a part because it is an opportunity that I am given. In the US, I would like to do a bachelor's degree and then a master's degree but I am not sure of my final choice because there are several areas that interest me (communication, media, journalism, sport marketing).


Anything to add ?


  I am really excited about going to the United States and I am really looking forward to being there to work hard for both my studies and sport. I am really passionate about athletics and I have a big page on networks about French athletics with tens of thousands of people following me and I look forward to discovering the American method.

USA-Project permet aux athlètes ambitieux d'accéder aux meilleures universités américaines. La société a été créée par Martin Casse, ancien membre de l'équipe de France d'athlétisme et diplômé de l'université

de Texas-RGV (NCAA D1)

En 2020, USA-Project a rejoint le groupe Elite Athletes Agency.


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