About Antoine Godin
"I have a lot of life goals but the most important is to have a great academic background while continuing to practice athletics at the highest level."
Sport: Track & Field
Citizenship: France
Gender: Male
Date of birth: 09/24/1999
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 147lbs
Graduation year: 2017
Placement year: Fall 2018
High School name: Lycée Ozenne
SAT: 1210
GPA: According to NCAA guidelines, Antoine's GPA would meet U.S. requirements
Current university name: Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès
University entering year: 2017
Major: Mathematics & Statistics
Current club: CA Balma
Current coach: Damien Boudet
Personal Records:
800m: 1:54.38 (2019)
1500m: 4:05.06 (2018)
2OOOm steeple: 6:13.32 (2016) 6th place at Nationals
3000m steeple: 9:29.88 (2018)
Regional 1500m Champion
Disctrict Champion 3k steeplechase
3rd place district XC champs
6th place at Nationals 2k steeplechase
District Champion 2k steeplechase
47th place XC Nationals for age 16-17
3rd place Regional championships 2k steeplechase

Request information
Why should I recruit you ?
I think a coach who will recruit me would not be disappointed because even if my PBs aren't impressive yet, I'm very complete; I practice every distance and today my preparation isn't specific for only one distance so I have a great margin of progress. Actually I did my bests times with only 4 or 5 trainings per week (50-60km) and I could definitely handle more training if I'm in a great environment, which allows me to reconcile studies and athletics. In addition to my training and my current PBs, I'm self willed and I've a huge mental in both training and competition. That got me to 6th place at Nationals on 2k steeple in 2016.
Why do you want to compete at US Colleges?
In France, we only have few Teams' competition with our clubs and I'm always really glad to take part of them because, in addition to what I can bring with my personal performance, the most important thing is the team' result. Moreover, everyone supports everyone else and I believe it's in these conditions, with an incredible atmosphere, that we can give the best of ourselves. However in France, there are only two competitions a year like this and they only happen with our club because in my University there isn't any Track and field' association and I'm the only runner who represents my college in competition. So, for more Team' competitions, I wish to compete at US Colleges.
What do you want to achieve in Track/XC?
I am a very complete athlete; I used to do decathlon competitions when I was younger and today I can run every distance from 800 to 10k, including SteepleChase, with nearly the same level. So I want to improve and break all my PBs in all distances. Because I like running in all aspects, I want to stay a complete runner who's a man with speed to win a short distance on the Track but also with endurance to give my best on XC' races. To conclude, like every runner with a national level, my dream is to represent my country in an international' competition.
College and life goals?
If I have the opportunity to study in the United States, I wish to pursue a Bachelor in Mathematics and Statistics to practice my dream job (become a statistician) at the end of my studies. For this reason, studying in the US is very important because the career I want requires good education and a right level in English is essential. I have a lot of life goals but the most important is to have a great academic background while continuing to practice athletics at the highest level.